Category Archives: Biorational TV

California Organic PCA Expectations

John DeCarli, Pest Control Advisor, in Salinas, California discusses how the BioRational Approach helps take stress out of his life.

A Time of Peachy Preparation

At Brandt Farms near Reedley, California, Wayne Brandt is busy protecting his peaches from any chance of a constant bug hatch.

D&D Farms: Bts fit with Mode of Action

While most of the country is still shaking off the effects of winter, down in Central Florida it is perfect weather for Dean Bruschi’s pick your own customers

Killing Resistance and Saving Soybeans

When consultant Bert James was told to simply spray more of the same chemical to control pyrethroid-resistant insects, he began to look for a better way to protect the soybean crop.  He and others in North Carolina found it with a tank mix that offers 100

Pyrethroid + Bt Tank Mix Earns Bushels on Soybeans

In North Carolina, consultants and dealers have found a way to overcome resistant bugs with a killer tank mix that’s also easy on beneficials.  Some growers have seen an improvement of 10 to 15 bushels per acre with this integrated approach.