Plant Parasitic Nematodes

Common Names: Various, including Root-knot nematode, Cyst nematode, Ring nematode, Lesion nematode, Reniform nematode, Citrus nematode, Dagger nematode, Burrowing nematode
Latin Names: Meloidogyne spp., Heterodera spp., Criconemoides spp., Pratylenchus spp., Rotylenchulus spp., Tylenchulus spp., Xiphinema spp., Radopholus spp.
Orders: Tylenchida, Dorylaimida
Families: Meloidogynidae, Heterodiridae, Criconematidae, Pratylenchidae, Hoplolaimidae, Tylenchulidae, Longidoridae
Main Host(s): Fruit, nuts, vegetables and ornamentals
Life Cycle, Impact & Damage
Nematodes are a highly diverse group of organisms, commonly called roundworms. Ubiquitous and widespread, these pests can be found in large numbers in many different habitats. Plant parasitic nematodes feed on plants, especially roots.
A common feature of plant parasitic nematodes is their stylet or spear. The stylet is a sharp, pointed tube the nematode uses to puncture cells and suck out the plant’s nutrients. Symptoms of crop infection may include wilting, chlorosis, dead or devitalized buds, root galls, rot, necrosis, lesions and injured root tips. Nematodes feed through a feeding tube, or stylet. DiTera causes stylet paralysis, limiting the pest’s ability to feed.
Recommended Control
DiTera®, Valent BioSciences’ biological and organic nematicide, controls a wide variety of nematode species. It kills both juvenile nematodes (infective stage) and nematode eggs. It also increases plant vigor by promoting new root growth and creating a root “barrier” to nematodes that is formed as DiTera encourages natural endophytes in the soil to colonize on roots.
DiTera DF controls nematodes by several modes of action. It paralyzes the nervous system, immobilizes the stylet and kills eggs. It also acts as a repellant and as a confusing agent, causing pests to have trouble finding hosts and mates. Repeated use of DiTera DF actually enriches the soil and creates an antagonistic environment for nematodes.